

I read "BACK TO THE FUTURE" . It published 1998 by screen play company.
This is movie's lines book. Main character is Doc and Marty.

If this plan scceeds, Marty can back to the future. It need plutonium for time machine, but there is not that in this world. It substiture thunder.

Marty wanted to Doc about his future, but he could'nt it.

10:04 pm ,borrowed power of thunder and Marty returned in the future.

Marty returned 1985. It was turue.
Doc knew the future because red the letter from Marty.

Doc goes to the future after 30 years.

When Marty arrived at the house,he slept immediately.

At morning, Marty puzzled that met his brother and perents.

They changed character and clothes,of cause it is good meaning.

Marty has to go to future with Doc , but I will make the continuance the next opportunity.

straight out 率直に
tell you straight out

take care 気をつけて

first of all 第一に

puzzled 困惑した
puzzled,Marty looks about the room.

Thanks , teacher.

Thank you for your help.


I reading "BACK TO THE FUTURE". it was published 1998 by screen play company.

Main character is Marty and his perents.

If his perents do not kiss, Marty disappears.

Marty succeeded that insure kiss. He didn't disappeareas in this world.

Various happning,he can come back to the future.

Marty went to wait place with the Doc.

unless ~でない限り
Unless you know somebody else that can play the guiter.

fool 愚か者
I'm just a fool.

run into偶然 ばったり
Marty walks off stage and runs into Lorraine and George.

go easy onお手柔らかに
go easy on him

accidentally sets fire to the living room rug


I reading "BACK TO THE FUTURE" .It was published 1998 by screen play company.

Marty thought a plan, about George provoke her to. It take in the night of tomorrow.

If this plan succeeds , Marty doesn't disappear.

There was the obstacle of the Biff, but, two people were able to be linked by activity of Marti.

Marty can come buck to the future.

It's just an act.

for a while 少しの間
do you mind if we park for a while?

sound like ~のように思われる
you 're begining to sound just like my mother.


I reading "BACK TO THE FUTURE".It was published 1998 by screen play company.

Main character is Marty , Doc , George, Biff , and Lorraine in this time.

George does'nt know how to invite.
Marty taught to him how to invite.
George was going to invite her,but it was disturbed by Biff and Biff's friends.
Martywent to Doc's house after having sent them away.
When Doc intoroduce how to back to the future, somebody knocked at the door.
Somebody was Lorraine. Marty was follow by her.
Lorraine said that she wanted to tempt Marty not George.

take care of 面倒をみる
Can you take care of that ?

paying attention 注意を払う
not paying attention to the road.

wind up ネジ等を巻く
Marty begins to wind up the model car.


I reading "BACK TO THE FUTURE". It was published 1998 by screen play company.

Main character is Marty,Doc,Past Marty's perents in this time.

Marty intoroduced Gorge to Lorraine. She is Marty's mother. If they don't meet,they won't married and they won't have kids. It's need join them because Marty disappear existance.
But Lorraine has got the hots for Marty. but,Marty have to do...

all over あらゆる面で
I have been look'in all over for you

instead of 代わりに
you instead of your father

regret 後悔する
I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life


I reading "BACK TO THE FUTURE". It was published 1998 by"screen play company"

Main character is MARTY and DOC and Marty's mother in this time.

Marty protected past his father and encountered an accident. He was helped by his mother's family. Of course ,this is past world, his mother is very young.
His mother recommend stay tonight, but Marty decline it.
Marty go to Doc's house and he told to Doc, about "I came from the future"
Doc does not believe it. but Marty does'nt give up. He said Doc's bruise reason.
Fainaly,Doc believe it. but can't return Marty to the future that need many power.
Marty remember future newspapaer that bolt of lightning is gonna strike the clock tower aprecisely PM 10:04 next Suturday.
They decided to return the future that using bolt of lightning.

thin 痩せている
you're so thin.

bruise 打ち身、打撲
You've got a big bruise on your head.

Do you mind if ~してもいいですか
Dou you mind if Isit here.

I gotta go 行かなくちゃ (I have get to go)

come up with 見出す、考え付く
you come up with the idea.


Past world

I reading "BACK TO THE FUTURE". Main character is Marty and George in this time.

Marty,he came to a past. Therefore he met his father of the youth.

His father is tormented by friends ,in the same way future.

Marty got an accident to help George....

have some respect for yourself 自分に自信を持つ sign reads 看板